Intro, 01/31/2020

„Wir dürfen das letzte Jahrzehnt nicht beenden,

ohne zu wissen, wie das Jahrzehnt begonnen hatte.“

Is there something strange going on from 2010 onwards ?

People talk about it, but no one knows about it,

We can think about it, but how ?

Let us the pictures speak, let us the videos tell the story,

we do not know!

Markus (* 1977, Germany)

Author of known Music, known Film-Titles, Entertainment-Concepts,

Innovations and more, but never been asked before!

We do not know the people behind the curtain, but anyway,

we can target the future together for a peaceful and healthy world.

Even if the whole truth never will break through.

The Author - Markus, since 01/31/2020.